Acupuncture is one aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is used to restore homeostasis to the recipient when the body, mind, and spirit have become unbalanced. The acupuncturist inserts small solid needles into specific points in the body of the recipient to restore equilibrium. The Mayo Clinic states that acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain, but because acupuncture focuses on the overall well-being of a patient, it can assist in treating a long list of common and not so common issues a patient may encounter.
Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment (SAAT™)
Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment (SAAT™) is a patented technique using a 3mm, hair thin needle that is inserted into the right ear. This technique has been clinically proven to provide the strongest relief from allergies including the tick-borne allergy alpha gal. Needles are retained for up to 4 weeks depending on the specific allergy treated and in many cases only require one treatment. Needles are held in place with a special medical grade adhesive, and are virtually unnoticeable.
Facial Rejuvenation
Based on Chinese Medicine theory of treating the root and branch, facial rejuvenation visibly diminishes the common facial signs of aging while treating the underlying causes. Non-surgically improves the appearance of fine lines, under eye concerns, acne, scars, age spots, and other blemishes. A series of 10 treatments designed around individual needs and concerns. Treatments may include exfoliation, facial Gua Sha and cupping, NuFace Microcurrent, AcuLift Microneedling, body and facial acupuncture, Celluma light therapy.
Hair Restoration
Miconeedling has shown to promote the production of collagen in the skin. For the purpose of hair restoration, it can also help induce stem cells in the hair follicles promoting new hair growth. Microneedling also increases the absorption of products used to treat hair loss such as, minoxidil (Rogaine), topical steroids, and platelet rich plasma. The twelve week program includes: Microneedling the area of concern, LED Light Therapy, along with a full body acupuncture treatment.
Chinese Herbs
Herbal medicine has long been viewed as the primary therapy for treatment in Tradition Chinese Medicine because of their ability to bring balance the body using elements taken from nature. Today in China, herbal medicine is incorporated into hospitals throughout the country and many hospitals will have separate Western medicine pharmacies as well as Chinese Herbal pharmacies. It is important when considering taking Chinese herbs that you consult with a licensed herbalist that is NCCAOM board certified. Rarely are single herbs prescribed to patients, instead formulas are created for the individual’s symptoms and constitution to ensure the best possible outcome.
Cupping is a Traditional Chinese Medicine practice that involves a glass cup where a flame removes the oxygen then the cup is placed on the skin or where a plastic cup is first placed on the skin and the oxygen is suctioned out of the cup causing the cup to adhere to the area of the body. Cupping promotes the release of toxins from the body along with removal of waste and heavy metal that may cause pain or discomfort. Cupping can be used to treat the lungs to clear congestion, promote circulation of the skin and veins, relieve constipation, and promote digestion. Cupping may leave marks on the area of the body treated and it may take days to weeks before they diminish. It is recommended that after Cupping that the patient not expose the area for 24 hours.
Gua Sha
Gua Sha is a therapy that involves scraping of the skin with a specific tool to enhance circulation. This technique is used to address pain that maybe associated with inflammation and can be used on numerous parts of the body. There have been studies to suggest that Gua Sha can also help with effects of issues such as Hepatitis B, migraine headaches, Tourette syndrome, menopausal symptoms. Unlike cupping, Gua Sha does cause bruising because scraping causes microtrauma to the treaded area by bursting capillaries that lie near the surface of the skin and these bruises can take hours to weeks before the bruising completely diminishes. It is recommended to not expose the area for 24 hours after treatment.